Most women like to wear a bag right, whether at work or outside normal. Choose a suitable bag, like choose a suitable dress, is more interested in talking about women topic. So, how to choose a bag you like it? The author is not an expert in this area, but very willing to share their knowledge with friends.
First, the stable-type bag. This bag in black, brown, gray, etc., style, style seems more stable, suitable for office workers. Most of the general work of women dressed in formal wear, the color is mostly dominated by dark lines, then, if coupled with a prudent style of the bag, I believe we will add a lot of your temperament, and features highlights of clothing increased.replica louis vuitton handbags Some people like leather bags, some people like cloth, and there are others. In short, I put this type of bag type of bag is classified as stable. Stable type of bags used for office workers, of course, style and design is also dominated by gravity.
Second, the active type of bag. For younger girls, the colors bright, lively style bag is their choice. The main color to bright colors, style more casual, more lively. Tall girls can choose some of the big bag of colorful, more suitable size and color, if the relatively small head and girls, you can choose a number of small, more lively and lovely. Color can often wear your normal clothing, or to match your skin tone, louis vuitton handbagsstyle can also be based on personal preferences. I put this type of bag type of bag summarized as active.
Third, leisure bag. Ladies usually like shopping, shopping, walking the streets and so on. When they go out, if the back of a more casual bag, is a good choice. Out of town or pleasure, take a leisure bag, really good. Shoulder Bag, diagonal bags, big bags or shoulders, are very good. Such bags typically much larger, adequate capacity, can eat and drink and other debris are placed in bags, the fabric can be considered such as denim or canvas fabric softer, more comfortable to go back, but also nice. This bag can also do it by yourself, choose something like the fabric, sewing machine do it themselves, their own plus some decoration, made out of the bag very unique. Or, are you all the time to go scouring shops often have discounted such a packet.
Fourth, the luxury handbag. This bag is usually participate in some parties, weddings, meetings and other occasions. The back of a luxury bag, it set off their own to the party or party occasions. Higher price of fabric you can choose a special material to compact the main styles, luxury handbagcolors, according to the gift, or dress you wear to match the color of choice.
Fifth, the price considerations
Price considerations, and friends according to their income, you can choose a high price a thousand dollars, or general price several hundred dollars, or a hundred dollars less. No matter what the price, choice of bags to be practical, beautiful dress for your overall mix.
Sixth, the maintenance of bag
In general, the bags can choose a soft clean cloth, wipe off the dust or dirt. Balenciaga bagsLeather bag you can choose a special leather cleaner. In the ventilation to dry, do not put the sun exposure to prevent fading or damaged bags.
Well, on how to choose the bag, the author to communicate with friends here, welcome friends to exchange learning.
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